Sometimes, though, those sources leave you with a false high, an empty mountaintop experience. You are inspired, excited, educationally stimulated, ready to change the world--but when you wake up the next morning to get to work, you have no idea where to start. We have no toeholds to climb or bombs to detonate. And when that happens, we end up going back to just the same old stuff we've been doing for years.
To be clear, I'm not disparaging the Inspirers and the Big Theorists. They flipped my mental switch on, and for that, I'm eternally grateful.
But mercy. When you participate in actual creation, when you and a partner (or partners) begin to do the Actual Work to transform Big Theories into Concrete Pedagogical Frames One Can Actually Actually Use In Class...
That's where the revolution starts.
And last night, the serious revolution started. More to come on this very very very soon. Let's just say we started a month ago with Content Flipping. Then we moved to Process Flipping. The new iteration will be Thought Flipping (or maybe Meta-Flipping). We're pushing in the direction of using the Flipped Classroom model to teach kids to have intellectual conversations/debates/brainstorming sessions, and using this set of ideas as the cornerstone of everything we do, moving forward.
But for now, I want to share some of the stuff our little group has been working on:
Conversations in #ELAflip: Part 1 (Content Videos v. Process Videos)
Part 2 (Making Room for Human Connections)
The Blank White Page Project: More information here, from @guster4lovers in conjunction with Karl
and Crystal and Kate Baker
(This is kind of a 20% Project we conceived about a month ago, and
we're super-stoked about its collaborative/instructional ramifications.)
Pursuing Happiness (& Making Connections) : Kate Baker
How to Introduce #flipclass to Students : Crystal Kirch
Using/Instituting Student Blog Structures : Karl Lindgren-Streicher
I want to really, sincerely thank all of these folks for not just provoking and stimulating my thinking, but doing the hard work of building structures on top of all these wild #flipclass theories. Thanks, Buckets.