So, in case you haven't noticed, I'm running a day behind in writing/posting these. I may catch up this evening; maybe not. Turns out that actual teaching gets in the way of writing about teaching. :-)
Day 3, 10/29/14
1st period, AP English Language
We began class with the vlogbrothers' video "I Kind of Hate Batman." As I mentioned before, I recognized on Tuesday that students were having a lot of difficulty with understanding speaker (as it pertained to the rhetorical triangle) and finding the nuance in a speaker's argument. Unfortunately, it's really hard to analyze how speaker/purpose/audience affect argument until you kind of have a good grasp on what the argument is. Often, my process for figuring out the argument + rhetorical triangle is (ironically) circular: first, I speculate on what the argument is; then I cycle through speaker/purpose/audience; and finally, I modify my initial argumentative claim based on the evidence I discovered via the triangle.